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Photo on 2015-01-17 at 08.50 #4.jpg

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(TR)ENDING: # OCEANS OF CORRUPTED DATA - The Oceans Rise and Fall as Tides, "Savants"...Global Warming Up 2 Trends, Idiots.



            If ever there was a dull moment spent between two or a few more restless souls, the now ubiquitous “hash” was scribbled quickly onto a piece of paper, into which X’s and O’s were written.  Perhaps Tic Tac Toe is as universally known as the hash is today.  It is interesting to consider that such a simple symbol – # – has been a part of the historical narrative (code) for as long as it has without ever having been rehashed until as of late.  The hash-"tag" itself is suddenly as “trending” as the topics it now precedes, but if Tic Tac Toe is being played, then not only does it have some #stiffcompetition, but it is almost unquestionably being played on a device that is trending – even trending is trending.  There are few moments in either the morning, noon or evening news (which ever daily dose you take) where any topic, which is particularly new or, trending, isn’t stamped with a hashtag. 


            As though nothing new is inescapable, trending topics are all the more Matrix-like than either old news, or no news.  The mapped evolution of the hash is not without a personal history, as its presence ranges from scores of music, the aforementioned child’s play, the simple “number sign”, the view-data square, computer programming languages and, amongst others, it is trending today outside of these areas of lasting significance as a signifier worthy of critical investigation.


            It cannot be failed to mention that the new hashtag does have its advantages, not the least of which is locating and categorizing information.  Data about data, or information specific to information allows for the immediacy of information to remain readily available to anyone with particular needs or interests.  But without remaining on this #ighlight for too long, since, that is, it should seem apparent that it represents a turning point to how humanity embraces and responds to its  #istory.  To address the topic of History’s End is nothing new, and to do so directly without the provision of some context for the meaning of “History’s End” may be categorically ---- supremely risky.  However true this may be, it is likely that through intuition alone one can learn to experience how History as a concept is ending, or, more fairly put – being replaced.  Even more fairly, perhaps, is how it is being displaced.


            We can explore the displacement of History with an analogy that, thanks to Archimedes, humans have a historical and scientific platform to provide a sense as to what occurs when we displace something.  When an ice cube is slowly lowered into a glass of water, for instance, the water in the glass rises from its previous level.  Perhaps intuition would lead an individual to come to such a conclusion without having ever seen this occur.  If the water in the glass were filled to the rim, the ice cube would cause the water to spill from within the glass, over its edge and onto the table it rests upon.  Interestingly, the ice cube both is, and is not new information, as its presence is its absence.  The ice cube is frozen water, so it has that in common with the contents of the vessel.  Never the less, the water is frozen, which, as far as information is concerned, indicates that it will create new information of what was previously within the glass. 


            The water was historically at room temperature, or warmer depending, perhaps cooler, also contingent upon where it was harvested.  Once the ice cube displaces the water, the information system has changed by some measurable amount of degrees.  Thus, the information has changed from its former state to an altogether new data state, since the water temperature is altered by the information relative to the cube.  Obviously, the water will ultimately come to a state of thermal equilibrium, and it will be as though nothing had ever changed, the water is still water, the glass is still full, but where did the leaked data go, and does that matter?  Regarding history, or what might eventually become known history, this analogy matters a great deal.  Imagine a world in which John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassin never lived, failed in his mission, or one in which his identity was leaked so as to be discovered – how might that information have benefited mankind, or would it have?  Is that knowledge too great to be leaked? The three scenarios are different degrees of information capable of altering the flow of history by displacing the glass of water (history) with each of their relative degrees of informational states.  Each of the possible in-forming, or interior shaping possibilities dispense outcomes that are different (not new), as ice is different than its liquid, room temperature environment.


             Of essence, it only alters the language (or code, and therefore, meaning) that stems from the events. The space is the same, history's parameters remain, the contents have not changed, but rather, the logos, or words of the Umwelt have. Humans are thereby affected in this way:  The historical sense datum altered, the President’s plans move forward, one man’s will remains, which displaces the ebb and flow of socio-cultural progression; the wars of our history since J.F.K.’s death never fought:  global trends never germinated and trending was never trendy.  The displacement of history can come near to being predicted ahead of time, an act predicated upon the same system that is being addressed.  Information about information is the long awaited double-edged sword of truth; it is a trend that should fall under the highest degrees of scrutiny:  will human history survive? The Umwelt defined/explained  --- that a human being's entire method, or mode of thinking, is contingent upon their surroundings.  If, therefore, humans lived in an aquatic environment like the glass, their thoughts would be altered by the significance of the entrance of an ice cube into their shared reality.  New thoughts would ensue, the simplest of which would be that it is cold.  Having never experienced "coldness", the term is now in-vented, as they are in-formed by its arrival.  Consequently, not only are new modalities of communicating the shared experience prepared, but until that time, a culture of coats, sweaters, jackets, gloves, and hats had not been.  With the arrival of new styles of thought, come new styles of survival, all of which materialized from a displaced quantity of information.


                  History is complicated by the arrival of anything "particularly" new, but un-particulated information arrives as quickly as any physically new thing.  The stuff of unparticled information is language, the logos - both written and spoken - ideas alter history, the present, and the future.  Their intangibility other than their direct effects on consciousness are missed and impossible to measure for their immediacy and invisibility, but their fall out is not without real significance, made difficult to reveal due to their lack of particular presence.  In this sense, history is contextual text, unwritten, but writing itself into the surroundings of humanity.  Again, problematic - manifold points of view are conscripted by ideologies which result in dialectical problems, which are, in and of themselves, more difficult to resolve than merely inventing the coat to keep one's body warm from the cold.  The particular cold of the contextually unwritten establishes, along with its arrival, unwritten rules. Conflict resolution is elevated by degrees of sympathy and disdain for the new ideology, whose arrival is without a known body of well formed methods for exegesis of its code.  In other words, ideology presents a problem of steeper and steeper degrees of escalating hermeneutical coldness to which two bodies/minds react differently to, adapt or fail to adapt to, as the unavailability of textual apparatuses through which their interpretation of the un-particled information can draw them to agreement is missing. Their dialectics are without a point of constant reference (an origin, or original lasting thing) to which either of the minds might defer so as to remove their new, unparticled, informational constraints.  When the ice cube arrived, lives were lost due to both its having displaced and leaked living mind from the context (umwelt), and lives were lost who could not adapt to the new information by virtue of poverty (inability to afford a coat), panic (emotional reactions led to wars or pillaging), beliefs (knowledge of the new system led to formations of Cults and Cults of Personality),  floods (some died quite literally by being pushed aside).  However, when the ice cube vanishes due to time, life does not go on as it had for centuries - man evolved - emotionally, spiritually, scientifically; what remains visible to humanity is its memory of having lost their sense of their humanity and their minds are forever changed.


                   From the perspective of dialectical problems, nations devise constitutions, which are themselves subject to ideological shifts in temperature, and are at best, a means of presenting a hermeneutical mainstay through which an ephemeral homeostasis can be contrived.  Ephemeral: its constitutional status does not constitute its necessarily being impervious to the presence of cold ideologies' arrival.  Web based technology, for instance, has with it brought politicians evermore closely to the edge of what is, and is not constitutional.  For now, its own cold, calculating 1 and 0 OOS (oppositional operating system) is indiscretely writing its own code into the narrative code of how the constitution has long been interpreted - that mankind, Americans in this case - have certain inalienable rights.  Now, the cold is not even protected by a firewall, and the lives of all men, women, children, and especially those of particular/un-particular beliefs are under the scrutiny that follows what is (TR)ENDING - #istory.  Necessarily, or not, the foundation that we have long perceived the constitution to be is more than ever notably ephemeral.  As new information arrives, along with it come signs which signify how easily displaced history is.  # represents a shift in cultural modes of operational communication, that is markedly trendy in itself, and marketable.  When one considers that the dawn of the industrial revolution marked the beginning of the end of the polar ice caps, he or she may note that in spite of the trendiness of the automobile, it is not without displacing consequences.  We have adapted to our home of polarity, learned to communicate with the world as it is adorned above and below (north and south), and only now do we realize how the possibility of that specific revolution's environment-altering power has put humans into a state of potential oppositional ruin.  History is marked with a shift from the horse and buggy, to the automobile, which is now segueing into an information era in which the cold is only getting complexively colder.  This is not a doomsday analogy, but rather, a consequential investigation into how to interpret the presence of "#" in such a system. Perhaps it is even a critical investigation, as it represents an era of distracted-ness that parallels only an ideological thrust into political oblivion.  The phrase "signs of the times" is NOW made significant for what the hashtag most commonly signifies - things which are insignificant, things which are "trending" in the presence of history that is (TR)ENDING.  What is now passe' is to consider how the contextuality of unwritten rules have become the common rule, whereby humans communicate, but within the code of the matrix where "everything is now:"  #.


Trending now.  The problem of now-ness is that it is un-particled, which is to say, that it is metaphysical.  From the position of the unconscious Umwelt, our human now is not a thing, but rather, is a predicated instance of multitudes of "presents" that have become the now. The statement that the future is now is perhaps the most truthful glimpse into the future humans can have, knowing that what we have communicated throughout time has created this very instant.  By such a consideration, humans' individuated view-data square is configured to their interior only by the McCluhanesque medium as message.  To parallel this moment with the ice cube which displaced water, one would say that information is entering the environment invisibly, though he would be incorrect in suggesting that it is happening rapidly.  Humans are being acclimated to the OS that is the now "bit by bit", and like a frog in water that is slowly being brought to a boil, is not presented with a "particular" reason for leaping from his Umwelt - his semiotic environment - one cannot speak against a code when he lacks its syntax, or the code itself.  The now is un-particled, invisible, intangible; it is what it is, but it is what has been:  overlooked and unquestioned by the masses.  They live in it, eat it, sleep it, drink it, drive in it, look into the monitor of it, get sick by it, die by it.  Water is the conduit through which all information moves, but is being traded from its human sphere of fluid mobility to a new realm more virtual, more corruptible, more penetrable and pregnable.  Clouds once carried water and electricity, and now, mankind has created his own environment - #cyberspace, #thecloud, #virtualreality, #istoryis(TR)ENDING in a semiosphere of 1010101010.


                 As stated, eventually a glass of water will return to its original state - thermal equilibrium.  Recall - water is a vehicle for carrying information that is not water, and can itself be encrypted (chlorine as a data cleaner), or even "hacked" (yes, viral H2O). Water's unique property as a containment vessel allows for it to present a plethora of new information-systems' arrivals.  So for as nonthreatening as the displacement of water seems at first glance, information travels faster than ever, and could in itself be described as having a particularly fluid state, and commercially speaking, data is “liquid” that has always had a great quid pro quo status.  Wars are won, just as votes are won by data (yes, even by water).  Water, information that it is, like data, can be leaked via displacement.  What’s more, water is displaced with other sorts of data which, when uploaded, or downloaded upstream, finds its way down the river quite literally.  Take the same ice cube from before and imagine that it as the exact same size, shape, clarity and preciousness – after all, as far as information goes, it is the world’s most abundant source of knowledge:  with oxygen, Human history and its future depends on it above all other information systems.  Now take that one precious cube of H2O and peer deep into its center.  As we zoom in we see tiny bubbles, cracks and crystal structures that are like tiny abstract paintings.  As artful and harmless as this tiny world is, we’re scavenging for information that will soon displace the information of the glass.  Never mind the chlorine, the fluoride and/or the encrypted chemical information that is frozen in the cube, just zoom a bit farther to see that history is soon to end.  Finally, you have arrived at ground zero.  In the center of the cube there isn’t an atom of hydrogen awaiting induced schizophrenia (splitting), rather, there is one Oocyst of Cryptosporidium.


            Once more, "The End of History" is not typically a doomsday topic; rather, it is understood as a socio-cultural state in which humanity has reached a crucial time in its evolution, where one form of global governance is displaced/replaced by another.  A popular example from Marx was his future forecast of the eventual replacement of Capitalism with global Communism.  The Cold War may have ceased, but the information lives, and the concept to which cults still adhere and the ideology that many adore today still exists.  Cold War – the ice cube pushed the contents of the glass over its edge, yet the question remained:  where did it go?  Ecologically, the water cycles back into the information system to which it belonged.  The water never went away; rather, it was displaced by an alternative system.  Ice, still water, is the information in a physically altered form (the same but different, absent but present); Communism is not above this analogy’s reach or its eventual rehashing.  Ideologically, it is different, but fits into the same category as Capitalism as an alternative political economy – it is only information altered to effect predictable outcomes.  Ideologically, and as a style of thought that impacts human interaction, it has had its moment (TR)ENDING in the spotlight of world history, and is itself subject to being re#ashed to (TR)END again.  The end of history then, as the return of something cold, perhaps necessary for the common good, the displacement of the lukewarm water of one information system for another – water which society is spitting out – a great awakening to end the history of greed:  giving a cup of cold water to humanity, or a tunic for every man, woman and child of the collective.  When it was displaced in the past, the information system failed due to data corruption.  Each member of its infrastructure, a contributing unit of information, only offered the choice to support the system by the council of their own conscience.  The remaining question:  have the units of information improved to give rise to the entire system’s success, or will history repeat itself and once again, the system crashes?  Perhaps the perpetuation of the current system will only continue to grow more corrupt until it fails due to over-consumption of the limited information systems that sustain it – hydroelectricity, petrol, coal – systems close to collapse.  Why?  Data corruption, bad science – media educated consumers?  Ideology severed from reason, data streams without dams – reservoirs of information that should remain “on tap” – "Clouds" without rain – metaphorically speaking, what is missing is water filtration:  information is in dire need of quality control.  Corruption of the individual is not only a choice, but is, too, contingent upon what information we allow to flow into the system.  The problem is ideology, not one system or the other, but the information that their H-OS (human operating system) function on without a hermeneutical code delivered to the readers (the populace) to filter out the despots of ideological propagation to subjugate them to/for its own (TR)ENDS.  


            The spread of (mis)information might now become critically and intuitively clear:  today, information spreads like a virus, and because of viruses, information is leaked.  The previous description of water (as information) being displaced by water in which only one Oocyst of Cryptosporidium should help to redefine how we view information’s viral spread.  At best, we can only hope the information is trustworthy, much the same way we hope antivirals are.  The language of the #ashtag era and the (TR)ENDING epoch has not only begun, but in that information system of 'speed of light media broadcasting,' it even uses the same language. Without intent, upon the surface of this topic, it even seems that the phrasing of this analogy might also point to the coming of a new ice age.  With every intent, the phrasing is pointing to an overlooked aspect of how an End of History allows for stark parallels to be drawn with the notion of how data, or information systems are corrupted by the smallest conceivable additions to the code – H20 + Cryptosporidium Oocyst = an 8 fluid oz. stream of certain system failure.  Again (and with every intent), come to consider that one Oocyst of Cryptosporidium corrupts the H-OS, which leads to its own data leakage.  Death to the H-OS from Cryptosporidium is by Cryptosporidiosis, which leads to severe diarrhea that can be fatal if not treated immediately. 


            Severe dehydration, or, the leakage of hydra-information from the body by having ingested Cryptosporidium, would be far more frightening if in America, science had not informed water treatment facilities of how to treat wastewater with UV light to kill Cryptosporidium.  Regarding the #istory of water, we need only look to #umanity itself.  Its birth and death goes hand in glove with either its absence, or presence, sanitation or pollution.  Cryptosporidium, however, is perhaps the least terrifying threat amongst other informational uploads to water/H-OS, as contagions go, it is not a virus itself, though just as deadly if left untreated – in either water or the H-OS.  However, it is a small piece of data entered into the code of life’s most important data stream, forever trending – aqua – and now more than ever capable of bringing an end to #istory.



Belief :: Science

            To date, human history has been met with other code rewriting information systems.  HIV, for instance, does just that. 


The life cycle of HIV. 1) HIV binds to the molecule CD4 on the surface of these cells and this allows the viral envelope to fuse to the cell membrane and the viral RNA and reverse transcriptase to be catapulted inside the cell. 2) Viral RNA is reverse transcribed into viral DNA by reverse transcriptase. Viral DNA is then integrated into the host DNA. 3) Activation of the infected cell allows the synthesis of viral RNA and proteins, which are assembled to form new viruses. These are released into the blood and go on to infect other immune cells.1


            Looking to the past, we learn from history that in the 6th century The Plague of Justinian hit, and later the sickness surfaced in the mid 14th century.  Commonly known as “Black Death”, this bacterium killed hundreds of millions of humans.  Perhaps little known by many is the fact that the World Health Organization still reports incidences of the same disease today.2   Fortunately, this disease is processed by natural reservoirs and poses no informational threat to drinking water.


            It is important to consider what these two pieces of data (viral and bacterial) mean beyond their posed threat to the H-OS.  Before the age of science, belief fueled the resolve of mankind to degrees unmatched today.  Modernity offers a unique and significant difference by enabling the codification and classification of these threats to the human race, separating belief from certainty, but this does not make our information systems less vulnerable to their mobility in either a literal or figurative sense.  Accepted science still changes, requiring us to upgrade the system it influences, and upgrade the technical support infrastructures by re-educating its practitioners.  Smoking, for example, is no longer prescribed to quell anxiety. Our data changed, as did the behavior of the practitioners:  there is no smoking in the exam room.  Like antibiotics, or anti-viral meds uploaded into the H-OS, software is created to protect our data from being corrupted, copied or stolen, which can each lead to death of the H-OS.  To consider the vulnerability of the Energy Grid so many of us rely on, which in itself relies on copious quantities of water, the frailty of human history is not merely a socio-cultural problem to be considered glibly.  This should to some extent be axiomatic to mankind, perhaps more so to the scientific community, but this is wishful thinking over a well which, if it does not run dry, could without question be a file too large to allow corruption to corrupt it:  #fracking, #greed, #non-disclosure #, #, #.  One may well say, “TIC TAC TOE” as if some have won the energy lottery at humanity’s expense.  XXX – the fervor for alternative energy sources threatens to turn ground water into poison – “OOO the humanity”; tap water goes down/up in flames (literally) like the Hindenburg and everyone can see it in real time.  #(TR)ENDING – U.N./sustainability?


            It is this eye-witness capacity in real time that draws the Black Plague of our forebears to the information superhighway of this era of trends and trending.   Unfortunately, humans (in spite of their highly evolved H-OS) have a t(r)endency to follow the buck – but where does it stop?  We can look a little deeper into the past, as it turns out, by deep core drilling into glaciers to see the chemical and biological history of our planet.  Now, so as not to let a good metaphor die, we can look again into the ice cube age of the West lurking like a demon no one believes in, hiding its ugly face under Big Pharma, Big Oil or bigger pieces of information that escaped the Recycle Bin of Big “Mac” floating in the Pacific Ocean:  #trashislandthesizeoftexasinthepacific.  Back to the water which the H-OS thrives on, independent of trends set in cyberspace, we still see the literal domains of our planet being renamed, rewritten and in need of being rehashed – there is an island the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean that consists of our corrupting data.


            Again, it is the scope of humanity’s eye-witnessing capacity of this phenomenon that brings the past more closely to home.  In the ice cube of the glass half-full dwells free-radical information that is not merely altering secular human history, but now more than ever exists in a form where our awareness of it is married to our trend of letting sleeping dogs lie – to rehash it would simply be un-trendy, or passe'.  To offer levity is perhaps not unwarranted, but mankind stands at the brink of screaming OMG (oh my God) and meaning it.  LOL (laugh out loud), it is no laughing matter.  The allusion being made here is simple, and no doubt something that is decidedly unpopular to speak of.  Never the less, it is no more a scholar’s knowledge of Biblical writ than it is humans' who are of age to behave more responsibly regarding natural information, that an end to the H-OS could suddenly appear to us through the same lens as those who faced Black Death before the shroud of science:  the interface of metaphysics with secular OS’s.  Our grand inquisition:  can science save us from ourselves? 


            Ultimately, let us not stray from the Icy Core of what is being discussed.  Ostensibly, the H-OS is frail and vulnerable to data corruption, and in many ways, the analogy of its structured dependency on pure, if not purified vital information can so quickly and thoroughly corrupt its processor that its core crashes.  Similarly, it stands to reason that in a world so heavily dependent on purification for survival, the hygiene of information systems is not without its probable collapses.  The Grid is large – huge by normal standards – and like another well-known engine involved in the mobilization of “liquid” and its necessity for massive flow rates, it is not too big to fail.  Rehashing this need, assuming that it has been hashed, is based on a language of code that only a few, extraordinarily gifted souls speak.  When they write in this code, mortgage payments are made, your lights come on, the evening news is broadcast, government files are protected, civilizations rise and fall, history is made and our cups runneth over as we flu-shit and forget it.  But the trail does not end there in spite of that trend.  There are still a few who are also very gifted in that language that would, by greed or creed, seek to upload what would no doubt come to crash the system, corrupt human history, ending it or ending the H-OS.  Does data need a wash, or does information need a new guardian to stand at the floodgates which are today so very wide open?  By greed or creed, these “free radicals” are a cancerous threat to the flow of potable information, who no longer need H atoms t(w)o Obliterate – just game changing information that is no less harmful to DNA than the ice age of nuclear winter.


            History has taken a 90-degree turn at breakneck speeds leading to a new form of warfare that could turn 7 billion souls H-OS’s into raw sewage over night – XXX.  #tictactoe:  a #istorical age is (TR)ENDING. 








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